(23) Relief

Wow, I fell off the wagon with posting. I would blame coding, but Phoebe has kept up with her 30-Day project in spite of having far more newspaper images to work through than I did, so really, no excuse.

That said, today is probably one of the best days I’ve had all semester long. Scratch that. It IS the best day I’ve had all semester. This is for two reasons.

1) I don’t have to wear a leg brace anymore! This is the first time in exactly two months that I haven’t had some sort of immobilizing contraption on my left leg, and it’s a wonderful feeling. I’m so free! Take that, irresponsible SUV drivers of the world.

2) I finished coding all of the photos from my thesis data set! There were 635 total, and I made a 65-page spreadsheet cataloging them all (this is much longer than my thesis currently is, which is kind of depressing, but I won’t focus on that part right now). Now I can start actually analyzing stuff and learning things. Yay!

Fittingly, on the day I finished coding, I also got my film back from the Tennessee trip I made in order to get 548 of those images. But those (except for the very next one) will get their own post.

My little workspot in the Vanderbilt library. Disposable cameras can’t handle closeups.

~ by iashe on March 15, 2010.

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